The Summer Slim Down

Summer is finally here! To get ready for 2013’s bikini season, here are my quick summer slim down tips:

  1. WATER! We hear it every day, but the fact of the matter is, we all need more water. Water helps the body flush out toxins, reducing the appearance of cellulite, and helping to jump start summer weight loss! Adding lemon juice to your water will give this trick an even stronger boost by detoxifying your liver.
  2. LEFTOVERS! During the summer months, we dine out much more often. Whether you’re out enjoying the sun over lunch, or out to dinner with friends, dining out becomes a much bigger part of our lives. This is accompanied by larger portions and less home-cooked food. To combat the added calories without sacrificing the social time, promise yourself to only eat half of your meal at dinner, and get the second half to go. This will cut the calories in half, and save money on breakfast the next day!
  3. SNACK! This may seem like crazy advice, but making sure to eat breakfast and snack throughout the day will boost your metabolism after its winter hibernation. A handful of healthy nuts, non-fat greek yogurt, an apple, or even a hard-boiled egg throughout the day is the perfect way to keep your body burning calories on high!
  4. FIBER! Filling up on fiber will help your body keep off bloat, making you look slimmer and feel better in a bathing suit or a short dress! Good summer foods that will boost your fiber intake include avocado, beans, edamame, brown rice, pears, artichoke, and oatmeal.
  5. The perfect WORKOUT! Find a fun, outdoor summer workout to keep your body tight and toned. Long hikes, beach volleyball, or running in the sand are great examples of the best way to utilize the great weather. Running on sand actually burns 30% more calories than running on pavement! Working out in the morning will also help. Morning is the optimal time to burn fat instead of carbohydrates because your body has been fasting throughout the night, creating a depletion of glycogen and lower blood sugar. Additionally, a morning workout burns fat at an accelerated rate for hours after the workout.

These are just small additions to make your summer diet and fitness plan more effective, so don’t forget to keep up your regular diet and exercise! Enjoy the beautiful weather and stay healthy!


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