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I know, I know, I’m the first health blogger to say no to fish oil supplements. Let me explain why!
So omega-3 fatty acids are FANTASTIC for your health. Regular consumption helps prevent chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, and limits systemic inflammation (which contributes to weight problems). Omega-3s are mostly found in fish, which is why it’s so healthy to eat fish at least a few times per week (salmon sushi, get. at. me.). Hmm…I should write a post or two just about omega-3s…
A lot of people either don’t like fish or can’t eat fish that much. or, they think they’ll be extra extra healthy and take fish oil supplements with fish in their diet! Well, research (Association Between Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation and Risk of Major Cardiovascular Disease Events: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis) has actually scientifically proven that supplementation with fish oil does NOT have the same effects as consuming omega-3s in your diet!!! They pretty much took a group of subjects and gave them fish oil supplements for an extended period of time and you know what happened? NOTHING. There was literally no difference between them and the subjects that didn’t take any supplements or eat fish. They had the same rate of chronic disease and weight issues. But, subjects that eat omega-3s in their diet (like through real fish), saw drastic differences in their rate of disease.
So, don’t waste your money on silly supplements you don’t need! Lose the capsule for a real filet.
What are your favorite ways to get omega-3s in your diet?
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